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Insomnia Stephen King

May 16, 2007

Am I a Cheap Date?

I was going through some "Wedding Don'ts" when I stumbled upon this:

"Guests should never be expected to pay for drinks. You would never host any other private party and expect your guests to pay for their own alcohol."
--Elizabeth, 25, Frederick, MD

"I hate cash bars. It's like sending your wedding present COD."
--Susan, 28, New Fairfield, CT

"I'm sorry, but limited bars are generally a bummer."
--Liza, 25, Cincinnati, OH

Yeah, notice the age on these people? First of all, if someone complains about not being able to get drunk enough at a couple's wedding, then he/she shouldn't be going. A wedding does not consist of a Bride, a Groom, and, OH YEAH, free alcohol. The only people that would complain about alcohol limitations at a wedding are those who want more than just a few drinks. And if someone wants more than a few drinks then it's obvious that his/her intentions do not include being sober.

If anyone wants two drinks, three at the most, it's not going to hurt their pockets to pay for their own drinks and it's definitely not going to affect them if they are limited to two or three. Why should the Bride and Groom and their parents pay for someone to get wasted?

I am willing to bet everything I own that these three women are not married and have never planned a wedding. How do I know that? Because anyone who is planning a wedding or who has had a wedding, already knows that the alcohol part is what kills the bill unless you control it. Especially if you have a family who loves to drink. Unless your father is Daddy Warbucks, you can bet your life that anyone involved with paying for the wedding will not want an outrageous bar bill.

Of course you have those who feel obligated whether they have the money or not. However, I am sure that my parents are not feeling compelled to pay for anyone's high. And quite frankly, neither am I.

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