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Insomnia Stephen King

May 30, 2007

The Angel of Death

The infamous Angel of Death, Jack Kevorkian, is being released on Friday after seven years of prison time. I fear for his life because of religious extremists and I hope he can live out the rest of his life peacefully. So far there is one state that allows assisted suicide and that is Oregon. I wouldn’t put it past him if he resides there. However, that would be too obvious and it would reduce his chances of being left alone by those who disagree with his way of dealing with the terminally ill.

I still can’t believe that we spent over 8 million dollars on trying this man for helping to ease the pain of the terminally ill. It wasn’t just the money spent but the prosecution’s modus operandi was based on the slippery-slope definition that if doctors are given a license to kill, it won’t be just the terminally ill at risk but innocent people. Then prosecutors had the balls to include children. What a load of shit. Among the many problems that this forsaken country has is that we are afraid of death; afraid of our own mortality. When a person dies we hide behind consoling words of wisdom, “He’s in a better place, she’s walking among the angels, he’s with the Lord, his time was up….” I call these words of wisdom a load of shit. Don’t mistake me for being insensitive; this is not what I am trying to convey. The fact of the matter is, we are all going to die. It’s not something we should dwell on, it’s not something that we should become insensitive to but it’s something that we need to grasp and tell ourselves that’s it’s okay when someone passes on. It’s okay.

Some people say that we have no right to play God. I reject that statement because there is no absolute proof that one even exists. Anyone can believe there is a God but you cannot show concrete proof there is one. Therefore, using God as an excuse is totally irrelevant.

So what about the humaneness of it all? Well, we are such a twisted society that we kill those who commit heinous crimes yet those who are law abiding citizens that are terminally ill, in excruciating pain, cannot eat, walk or talk and are completely helpless are made to suffer the ultimate torture of their illness until they naturally die.

Now you tell me, how the fuck is that humane?

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