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Listening To
Disney - The First 50 Years

Insomnia Stephen King

October 11, 2007


Okay, people. I am so sick of your whinny-assed complaints over nothing.

Imus is going back on the air and people are questioning whether or not he should be allowed to be on the radio again after the comments he made about some women's basketball team that I really don't give a rat's ass about.

Imus is a shock jock, people - he's suppose to say crude things and if ya don't like it, then turn the fucking channel. Isn't that what you did with Howard Stern? Hate 'em so don't listen.

The next time Chris Rock calls white people "cracker as crackers", I am going to make this huge, ferocious, retaliated, vengeful, protest about how much I don't give a shit what Chris Rock thinks about white people. Ya know why? Cuz Chris doesn't care what white people say about black people. It's a waste of time and precious energy to complain about someone's opinion.

Who cares what Imus thinks. Look at him for cryin out loud. The guy looks like he's already dead.

Sticks and stones.....

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