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Listening To
Disney - The First 50 Years

Insomnia Stephen King

August 07, 2010


Wit is something I have never been able to obtain. I hear these remarkable witty retorts to a smug cut-down and I think to myself, “Remember that one! That’s a good one!” Do I really remember these awesome comebacks?

“Mom, you have the memory of a field mouse.” says daughter.

“Honey, you have the memory of a fish.” says husband.

So, how do I react when being personally attacked with sarcasm? Either respond with adolescent profanity (Shut up, F@&K – tard!) or infantile remarks (I know you are but what am I!) instead of cool and collective repartee (For our protection, I am praying that a Tsunami drowns and wipes out your entire gene pool because I am certain that any replica of you produced will tilt this world so far into stupidity oblivion that we will never recover from it.)

Although, wittingly enough, I did come up with that retort all by myself.
